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Forum Posts

David Catuhe
Jun 08, 2023
In Announcements
You can create custom lists by tagging cards with keywords that you create: On the tag screen, you can add as many tags as you want: Then you can go to the lists page and create a list for specific tags: Each list can reference 1 to many tags
How the lists work? content media
David Catuhe
May 04, 2023
In Announcements
Hey all! Before starting, if you want to ask the question about a missing set, please first check that you are on the latest version :) UrzaGatherer is based on Service Workers and sometimes they could be stubborn :) First things to check: * Close the app/browser completely (Kill it!!) * Start the app/browser and go to settings and in the Database section click on Update Database button and restart If this is not working, here is a procedure to follow to force update (based on your browser. Please note that Android app is based on Chrome):
David Catuhe
Aug 16, 2022
In Announcements
With this new release, Patreons can add a custom icon to their card to visualize differentiate them: This can be set up from the card page:
10.5.0 content media
David Catuhe
Aug 11, 2022
In Announcements
With this version, you will be able to hide some cards. A hidden card will be completely ignored by the database: The card will be ignored as soon as you restart / reload the app. To restore hidden cards, you can go to the settings page and hit the "Manage hidden card list" button: From there, you can turn back on the cards you want:
10.4.0 content media
David Catuhe
Aug 09, 2022
In Announcements
This new version will introduce support for proxies: A card flagged as proxy will be like any other card but will appear as sepia and will have its price set to 0. To set / remove the proxy flag, go to the card page and use the ... menu:
10.3.0 content media
David Catuhe
Jun 15, 2022
In Announcements
This release introduces a new mode to display decks: The grouped mode. In this mode, cards are grouped by high level type. You can activate this mode in the settings page:
9.8.0 content media
David Catuhe
Apr 06, 2022
In Announcements
With 9.1.0, Patreons will be able to display commands only when the mouse is over the card:
9.1.0 content media
David Catuhe
Apr 05, 2022
In Announcements
Starting with v9.0.0 UrzaGatherer will let you add cards really quickly in a defined deck. To do so you need to turn on the feature in the settings: Then when in collection mode you will have a new icon on each card: By clicking this icon you will add that card to the Active Deck To set up which deck is active, you will have a new icon in the footer (just on the left of the Settings page icon): By clicking this icon, you will be able to set the Active Deck: I hope you will enjoy this new feature!
9.0.0 content media
David Catuhe
Feb 24, 2022
In Announcements
With Urzagatherer 8.0.0 you can now have multiple users and switch between databases. To do so you first need to create new users in the settings page: From there you can add users: And then a new menu is available to switch between databases (the empty user is the default user):
8.0.0 content media
David Catuhe
Feb 19, 2022
In Questions
Hey team! I’ve recently received messages about a weird browser behavior where an old version of UrzaGatherer is used instead of the latest one. To fix that problem simply click that button in the f12 screen (after making sure you saved your collection of course):
Issue with cached version? Try this! content media
David Catuhe
Feb 13, 2022
In Questions
The server will be off for a few hours It will be back to normal asap!
David Catuhe
Oct 13, 2021
In Announcements
A new filter with tags:
7.9.0 content media
David Catuhe
Sep 09, 2021
In Announcements
This version will let you specify language, grading and conditions per card:
7.7.0 content media
David Catuhe
Aug 18, 2021
In Announcements
This new version will enable Patreons to create custom blocks (made of a custom list of sets):
7.5.0 content media
David Catuhe
Aug 15, 2021
In Announcements
You can now deep link to a card by using the URL directly (or use the ... button and pick "Deep link"):
7.4.0 content media
David Catuhe
Jul 28, 2021
In Announcements
This version will introduce the ability for Patrons to locally download standard quality images. I could take a while but it could be super helpful if you plan to work offline (or on a dead slow network)
7.3.0 content media
David Catuhe
Jul 19, 2021
In Announcements
Version 7.1.0 will introduce a tool to let you open multiple links to CardMarket or TcgPlayer more easily. If you have more than one card selected you can enable the Shopping Assistant through the context menu: Or via the "..." menu: This will open a tiny tool that will reduce the number of clicks required to open all the links: You can now simply click on the "Open in a new tab" button, hit CTRL+SHIFT+TAB to get back to your main tab (this is because browsers will not let JavaScript open a tab in background). Rince and repeat :)
7.1.0 content media
David Catuhe
Jul 16, 2021
In Announcements
This version will bring a new feature called "Lore Explorer". You can access it from the "..." menu in any card list page: The Lore Explorer is designed to help discovering the fantastic lore of Magic the Gathering using all the cards with a flavor text in your selection: Using the "..." menu you can also decide how to display the images: Enjoy!
7.0.0 content media
David Catuhe
Jul 01, 2021
In Announcements
New option for Patreons: change background!
6.5.0 content media
David Catuhe
Jun 27, 2021
In Questions
Hey team, as you may know UrzaGatherer is a one man army project. One of the main painful task so far was to keep up with the pace of newly added cards, mostly regarding the links to TCG or Cardmarket. With version 6.4, I added a new system that lets me specify these ids per card The problem now is to make sure I can get the correct IDs. I managed to get a big bunch of them from Scryfall but not for all the cards So far I still have 2656 cards with no TCG ID and 7175 with no Cardmarket ID (out of 55838 cards in total as of now) So this is where we can as a community makes it better! If you are interested to help, here is the procedure: Export the set of cards you want to check: This is pretty simple, do a search in UrzaGatherer (must be 6.4.13+) and export it to CSV (using the ... button): You will find in the csv file that there are 2 new columns: The deal is simple: fill these columns and I will merge them in the database for the next release So now this begs for a new question: HOW? For Cardmarket, the simplest way is to go to the card you want in, open F12 tool and "pick" the card to get the html element associated with it: Here for instance, the cardmarket ID for "Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth" is 566626. For TCGPlayer it is far easier. Just go to the page of the card you want and look in the URL: So for "Dragon's Rage Channeler" the TCGID is 240055. Once you have the numbers you want, simply add them to the csv and when you are done send the file to for the magic to happen THANKS A LOT FOR EVERYONE WILLING TO HELP P.S: In order to avoid conflict, please simply reply to this post if you are currently working on specific set.
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David Catuhe

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