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Forum Posts

Falform Freeform
Oct 05, 2022
In Questions
Hello! Is there a way to remove the data of my email or onedrive from the mobile app? i think i put the wrong email in and it wont let me try again, it just keeps starting with the same email/Onedrive.
Falform Freeform
Aug 21, 2022
In Questions
Hello! I am having a great time with the app, and I really do love using it to keep up to date with what i have and my collection. That being said, i have run across an issue with my OneDrive or the webpage portion of Urza? I try to upload/download from my PC and it's not doing either, and my webpage collection is not syncing up with my phone collection anymore either. I use OneDrive to connect three devices to the collection (my dad is also connected mobile) any assistance would be appreciated. ^^

Falform Freeform

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