Currently, in the Deck View in both grid view and list view, we are presented with the information about how many copies of a card we own in our collection in the bottom left(a) and the number of cards in this particular deck on the middle right(b)
What I would like to see is an additional piece of information which seems to be available when you click through to the card: how many decks is this card used in(c)?
This kind of feature could be useful when brewing decks or seeing what you have available in your collection when building decks. This feature could also be implemented on the collections view as well.
It could be further facilitated by being able to mark a deck as either an idea or built. meaning that the numbers should or shouldn't affect the in-deck count.
This feature seems to sit nicely even for those of us that use proxies of an expensive card sylvan library etc in some of our decks with a real copy in one of them using the new proxy feature that was recently released.
This feature would be the real kicker for me moving over completely to Urza Gatherer and joining your Patreon. As I use another platform at the moment that is close to this functionality but not quite as good, the other app still has me regularly going "Ah cool I have 2 copies of that card and I only need one for this deck so it's saying I have enough" then I click through a couple of menus and realise they are both in use in other decks.