Hello. If most people may not know, a lot of insurance companies will not cover your collectibles (i.e. Magic cards), in the USA, without an additional rider to the policy.
Is there a way to print out a list of cards in the collection? And, maybe a valuation report for each set and then a global total of the collection value?
This would benefit a lot of users of this app.
Thanks, and I appreciate the continued support.
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To see this working, head to your live site.
Creating a Report for Insurance Company
Creating a Report for Insurance Company
©2021-2199 by Deltakosh World
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Merry Christmas as well
I understand, and appreciate everything you have done with this amazing app. I would just like you to consider a possible improvement in the year ahead. No pressure or deadline. It's just something lacking that could be a benefit to many. All the best, and have a nice Christmas ahead.
You think the majority of your user-base plays with CSV files? You are looking at this through your programmer eyes. Always remember, you are a unique unicorn
You have the most amazing app and MtG tracking collection on the planet! Fuck, the known universe. One big gaping hole is the lack of running any type of reports for the collection. Have it generate PDF files, and add it to the "Report/Statistics" section in the app. If this is something you could do in 2021, I am sure a lot of your collector base would find it extremely useful. Thanks again for the consideration on continuing to improve the app.
yeah right...what would be missing from the csv export of the collection?
Or maybe I can add a csv export of the checklist
It only prints what is on the screen. So not much of a help there.
But from the browser, you can probably CTRL+P to print and then send it to a pdf file
Unfortunately I do not have printer access from a PWA app ;(
This is more than just for an insurance policy. On the "Checklist Screen" is it possible to be able to have a "Print" button? One that could print all the sets listed, and not just the ones displayed on the screen? Thanks.
Well I do not plan to add better export for insurance:)
The insurance company needs a bit cleaner summary. Also, it would be nice to print-out a valuation sheet to put in each set binder.
You can simply go to your collection, and in the ... menu select export to CSV