### Current situation: At the moment, cards of saved decks would all be marked when listing cards. This is a very useful feature, and I subjectively understand this as marking that a physical card is in a physical deck. The problem arises when I wish to deconstruct a deck but keep the list.
As it works now, there is no possibility to set a deck as active (physically assembled) versus inactive (non physically assembled, or, just a deck list). This feature would be of extreme value to users like myself that have a collection that they use to build decks that after a while get deconstructed in favor of others.
### Current workaround: The only possible workaround at the moment is to export inactive decks and remove them from the UrzaGatherer. This is suboptimal.
### Proposed solution: Having a flag either at the deck level or group level that would allow to state that the cards in the deck do not need to be marked as used in a deck in the rest of the application would be very useful.
found it ... works as intended.
Thanks a lot!
Looks great. Is there a process I need to follow to enable the feature on the UI or a toggle to switch?
Here we are:
ok ... well .. thanks for taking note as a feat request ;)
Unfortunately convert to list/deck will not work as lists do it have a concept of multiple count per card
Now I understand it. I have to admit that I failed to realize the list feature. The concept seems correct. If I understood correctly it use, the list shows a projection based on tags.
That would work as well. As far as I understand the features of UrzaGatherer, tags must be added one by one. The process could be improved by, e.g., having a "convert to list"/"convert to deck" feature at the deck level. Then no need for extra flags or modifying your data model.
BTW > thanks for reacting so quickly.
I understand your need. My point was: for cards that you not want to be in a deck for now: simply don’t add them to a deck but more to a list (by adding tags to them). Lists are a way to gather cards with a common set of tags. That being said I understand that it could be cumbersome to then move from a list to an active deck So I added a new entry to my todo list: adding an option to the deck list to flag a deck as “inactive”
Impressive speed of response. I am not sure I fully understand your question.
Let me try.
Imagine I have five decks built (no wish for more) but lists for 20, all using one copy of one specific card, which I have four copies of.
The UI would now show me a 4 on the bottom left corner and a 20 in the mid of the right side. My perception of this would be that I miss 16 copies of it to finish the decks, while I miss only one given that I never wanted to be able to have all 20 built at the same time.
Inspecting this situation with the current UI is cumbersome. For each card in this situation I would have to hover on the card and inspect in which decks the card is needed by looking at the tooltip description triggered by the hovering.
By being able to deactivate decks, I would see only a 5 in the mid of the right side, letting me know that my built deck need one extra copy of that card.
This situation gets far more aggravated if the number of decks having the card is not all of them but a subset.
Why not using lists for inactive decks?