Hello , I am using UG for multiple years now , and I am wondering if the "add users" feature can be made to work both ways .
I have a big collection that I am sharing with my boyfriend .
Its my hobby to buy , archive and organize our cards .
So I would like to have him as a read only for the collection , to avoid accidents .
I do want the separate user , to also have his lists and deck building ideas etc , but to use the same db as the default user .
Kind of been able to use existing cards in decks , remove cards from decks , but not able to add/delete in the collection .
Thanks a lot again for this awsome software!
My main issue is that the system is designed to isolate users :) So doing that will be kind of a long road. I noted it in my todo though
In the meantime you can use the same user for both and have your husband set the collection to read only on his computer?