I have some problems with the statistic for foiled cards - for example, If I choose All blocks / Moder Masters / Only foil / All cards I don't get stats for foiled cards. If I choose "only non-foil" I have weird statistics too.
In "collection view" maybe is a good idea to add a foiled card filter?
I will!
Ok. Thanks for the info :) Maybe you can add filter for all foiled cards in whole collection? That would be nice :)
this is correct. For cards that only exists in foil
If I'm understood right, I had statistics for foils which are only exists without copy in non-foil card?
Ok I see:)
The only foil means "Cards that only exist in foil" and not "all the cards I own which are foils"
I can't upload ugs file because I always have an error that I don't have internet connection...
I have min 60 foiled cards in collection
Sure, here you go :)
Can you share your ugs file and share a screenshot of what you found?