A lot of tokens are getting priced at insanely high prices, I found the follow tokens in my collection: - Bird Token (White 1/1) MH2 17,94€
- Bird Token (White 1/1) M21 17,94€
- Bird Token (White 1/1) MH1 17,94€
- Bird Token (White 1/1) BNG 17,94€
- Bird Token (Blue 2/2) Theros 17,94€
- Wurm (Green 5/5) AKH 13,68€
- Wurm (Green 6/6) DDS 13,68€
These are just the most expensive examples, but there are a lot of other tokens which are multiple euro's a piece.
P.s. I didn't include the prices that they are on Cardmarket.com
Here is how you can help: https://www.deltakosh.com/urzagatherer/questions-2/help-make-urzagatherer-better
Alright, if I find some time I will start making a Google sheet (and post the link here) For future reference, Urzagatherer can.t find the following sets when updating prices from MCM:
2021 Lunar Year Event
Commander 2014 Edition Oversized
Commander 2015 oversized
Commander 2017 oversized
Commander 2019 oversized
Dragon maze tokens
Duel decks Izzet vs. Golgari Tokens
Modern Horizons 2 Collectors
Modern Horizons Art Series
Zendikar Rising Substitute Cards
ok understoodd. this is because scryfall has not mapped them yet (see here: Bird · Core Set 2021 Tokens (TM21) #2 · Scryfall Magic: The Gathering Search, when you click on Buy on tcg or Buy on CardMarket you do not get the card page)
I can manually map them but it takes time (I need tcgid OR mkmid).
To get a mkmid, you have to find the card on cardmarket like here:
Bird Token (White 1/1) (XM21) - MTG Singles | Cardmarket
Then on the page, using f12, you have to pick the image and the image url can give you the id:
And I have to do it for every single card not mapped yet
So you or anyone else is motivated, I would love so help to get the missing ids :D
These tokens seem off (except the wurmcoil and the goblin tokens)
And it is sad that they don't work with Cardmarket.
Can you give me some examples of tokens not working with scryfall. And yes some set names which do not work with cardmarket
Not sure what you mean exactly, but this is a SS of the most expensive tokens in my collection. I also updated my prices to scryfall, but I feel like it takes the USD prices and just converts it to euros? Anyway, my collection jumps up about 30% in total value. Not sure what extension you mean, but I am using your app in chrome and the info is store on Onedrive. If you mean the set extensions or item ID's I could do some digging and look them up for the cards I find an error with. Edit: The tokens end up being mispriced as well when using scryfall prices
Same answer as other post on that forum: cardmarket has a shorty API. I literally need to map manually each card to their random id system. Can you drop here the extension where you see these errors? (Also: you can use scryfall as a good price provider)