I just discovered this app and I really like the front end.
I made a dedicated server to manage my collection.
For storage, I've based my implementation on the xml formal from MagicAssisten/mtgbrowser.
Is there some documentation available on how to create a ugs file?
I'd like to create an export function so I can import my collection for better visualization.
Is there some mapping available between your ids for the cards and the multiverse ids?
Kind regards,
Works, I'll check if I can manage the ugs file, if so adding the Onedrive/Dropbox link could be used to sync with my server :-).
Many thanks for the fast help.
Yes go to a set and select all/add to collection
Is there an option to complete a set or to add 1 of each card for a certain set (or all sets)?
Then, making an export would indeed be a good starting point
From there you will get the mapping with the multiverse id
Hey thanks a lot! The best way is probably to go to your collection page and use the ... button to export to csv