First happy new year and thank you very much for this wonderful tool. I love the GUI which is modern, and every work well !
I have few ideas of new features:
- Export a deck in a cockatrice format (cockatrice is a tool to play online : https://github.com/Cockatrice/Cockatrice). It's just a .cod file write as XML.
- It would be great to have a new functionality to manage combination of cards. Probably require a new screen to manage selection of cards, cost, notation, comment and explanation of the synergy etc... It would be great to have the ability to attach combinations to the decks. I understand that the List functionality can help, but a new functionality would permit more than just the card gathering.
- There is the legality for Commander, but not for Commander Duel. Both list are pretty closed, but the Duel one has more restrictions. Reference can be found here https://www.duelcommander.com/fr/banlist/ or on Mtgjson https://mtgjson.com/ (a good example is the "Sol Ring" card : legal in Commander but not in Duel)
- For collection and search, would it be possible to add the icon extension in a new column (if possible near the card name)
Thank you again,
Hi, I want to upvote for the combo feature.
It could be great to have a list of combos, and to know if we have cards for that.
It would be great to have an already existant list of combo, with classment by type (infinite loop, win, synergy) and a note. The plus feature is to know available combo from my own set of card and filter
This aspect can be difficult because I think it is hard to get a preexistant list of combos.
* download from another database; but I don't know if there is an open database for this
* create your own where user can add and share. This require a community aspect and probably user accounts and verification/vote/discussion on combo.
* Create locally, by user only. Still usefull, but less powerfull. It still a good point to start.
>In any case, thanks again to share this tool, I love it !, and i'm going to use it at the main tool to manage my collection and drafts my decks ! :)
The same!
Ok noted for the icon set and the combos:) thanks a lot
Thx for Cockatrice and commander duel legality :)
- For the combination of cards, I mean "Combo", like for example the functionality existing in MagicCorporation : http://www.magiccorporation.com/gathering-combos.html. I'm seeing 2 sub functionality:
--> A screen to design a combo (select the card, a text part to explain how it works, eventually have a notation and having some auto field calculated, especially the mana cost of the combo). This sub functionality is very close of the lists as it misses only the mana cost automatically generated and the notation (but both are not essential). Clearly, a "quick-win" would be to add only a boolean field into the list object to define if the list is a combo or not.
--> In the deck part, something to identify the cards involved in a combo (maybe a mark on the card for example), a way to go on the combo definition from the card, and something add in statistics (number of combo in the deck, % of the cards involved in combo in the deck, lists of cards involved more than once in combo...).
The final purpose is to identify quickly the synergy between the cards in a deck.
- I mean here a new column with the symbol of the set. Basically, I entered yesterday the lands in my collection, and it was painful to look for the set name for each land: when you have the card in the hand, the only information you have is the icon of the set. Having a new column with the icon of the set in the Collection and Search screen could help :)
I think you manage the icon of the set somewhere already, but if it cans help keyrune is great for that (only css).
In any case, thanks again to share this tool, I love it !, and i'm going to use it at the main tool to manage my collection and drafts my decks ! :)
Hello and thanks for your kind words
- I've added support for Cockatrice in my to do. Should be there soon!
- I'm not sure to completely understand what you mean with combination of cards. can you give me an example? It feels (as you said) reallllllly close to lists so far
- I will add Commander duel for next release (5.9.1) :)
- I'm not sure to see where you want it. Can you do a quick mockup (even if this is ugly :))