Ive just started using this app and I have two questions about number of copies of a card in a deck. Its something that I might have misunderstood or I have missed something, maybe someone can help. And if not, then consider this a feedback / feature request :D
Issue one:
If I want to adjust the number of copies of a card in a deck, why is there no quick way to do it? The "+" and "-" buttons on the bottom right corner for some reason do not manipulate the number of copies in a deck, but rather manipulate the number of copies in the whole collection... So if I want to change the number of copies inside a deck, I need to click on the card, then click the deck icon in the bottom right corner of the screen and then manually manipulate one of the three sliders. Is that the only way to do it? Intuitevely, I would expect the + / - buttons to work for the current deck, when youre inside the deck... Again, maybe Iam missing something here.
Btw, same this would apply to the "datagrid" view - why does the datagrid view has + / - to manipulate number of cards in the collection, but not + / - buttons to manipulate the "count" in the current deck? Issue two - same thing except in bulk:
Manipulating multiple cards at once - I know this might be a limitation of working inside web client using a browser... Because if this was a standalone application, there could defintely be a way to easily select and adjust multiple cards at once with something like a ctrl-click or shift-click - which is not possible in a web client. But the fact that this functionally is completely missing is kinda weird. Lets say I have a deck with 10 playsets of a card + 20 lands. And I decide to add four copies of a new card and in order to do that I cut four other cards from 4 copies to 3 copies. In order to do that, I have to manually adjust each card... Again, super annoying. If you think about how this is handled for example in cardmarket client - you have your list of cards, you can select subset of cards using checkboxes and then you have the "bulk modification" options where you can change the number of copies for all selected cards - all at once. So this functionality is definitely doable even in web client. And again - if there were + / - buttons for manipulating the number of copies in a deck in the deck's datagrid view, this would become pretty simple and not an issue.
So if somebody knows how to do it (again, maybe I missed something), please let me know, otherwise consider this as a feedback / feature request to add "+" / "-" buttons that manipulate the card count in a deck.
Noted! You may want to use the right click menu thought as well.
Regarding your point 1, some users(me included) expect a quick access to collection so I need to find a way to please everyone
Point2: not sure to follow:) you can multi select (use the select activation button in the bottom right). In that mode, clicking on a card select it instead on navigating to it. When multiple cards are selected you can apply copies change to all